Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Polar Bear Club

While we were in Arizona, Lloyd thought it would be "fun" to go swimming in the 41 degree pool while it was snowing. I have questioned his sanity for a while now and this just solidified my conclusions! He is CRAZY! But man I love him :)

All the kids cheering him on from the spa. He joined them quickly after jumping in the pool exclaiming, "Man that is cold!" I love that he was surprised at that.


Lori said...

Oh my goodness Jessica, I can't stop laughing at this post!

John and Sarah Mason said...

It is nice to see that some things never change. Man,we love him too.

Grammy T. said...

I have a blog award to pass along and after reading through your blog posts I really think you deserve it! :)

Feel free to pick it up at:

Hope you'll enjoy my blog, too!

Giggles said...

Some things you just got to do once.

Great pictures!

Found you on MMB.